Mastering Marathon Heat
Running a marathon in hot and humid weather can raise the risk of dehydration, heat illness, and an unwelcome visit to the medical tent. But with the right precautions, you can turn a challenging race day into a much more enjoyable experience.
Nutrition for Big Competition
In the weeks leading up to a major competition one of the most important tasks for an athlete is to make sure they have a strong immune system and stay healthy. Catching a virus or infection can take an athlete out of training and out of competition. To stay healthy athletes, make sure they are getting enough energy (calories) and key nutrients such as vitamin C and zinc to support a healthy immune system.
Going For Gold: How Athletes Prepare for Big Competition
As teams get closer to The International Sporting Event, athletes are preparing their bodies and minds to debut their best performance of their lives. Many athletes develop a 4+ year plan for events that sometimes can last as little as 10 seconds.
5 Better Ways to Eat to Achieve Your Fitness Goals: PART 2
Nutrition to support an active lifestyle does not need to be complicated or require any draconian measures. It’s just a matter of implementing a few key eating strategies so you can perform your best when it counts most.
5 Better Ways to Eat to Achieve Your Fitness Goals: PART 1
Nutrition to support an active lifestyle does not need to be complicated or require any draconian measures. It’s just a matter of implementing a few key eating strategies so you can perform your best when it counts most.
Why You’re so Tired
It’s the middle of the day, you’re feeling tired, and grab another cup of coffee – but it doesn’t help. Despite sleeping 8 hours last night and having a couple cups of coffee this morning, you still struggle to make it through the school/work day and feel sluggish during your workouts.
Why is this happening?
Nutrition for Teen Athletes
As a teen athlete, you lead a busy life balancing school, sports, and social activities. Proper nutrition is essential for fueling your active lifestyle and staying healthy. Your adolescent body is still developing physically, so you need to eat enough of the right nutrients to support bone growth, muscle development, and hormonal balance, in addition to the demands of your sports or activities.
You Signed Up for a Marathon, Now What? : Step 2
A well-practiced and developed race day nutrition plan makes sure runners will feel energized, perform at their best, and avoid issues like side stitches or indigestion during their race.